Call us directly: 757-685-9864

Chesapeake, VA View Location

Our Services

Shore Consulting Group has a vast array of tools and expertise available to assist you in whatever needs you may have. Below are some examples of areas that we specialize in:

Water Resources Policy

Well versed in the art of the possible with respect to defining local, state, and federal needs and identifying programs that address those needs. Demonstrated ability to produce authorizations (Water Resources Development Acts) and appropriations (Energy and Water) to fund the development of solutions that assist clients in determining appropriate courses of action. Produces actionable outcomes. Ability to provide the full spectrum of water resources problem solving techniques for navigation, flood risk management, environmental compliance and restoration, and watershed management.


Experienced in the formulation of both shallow draft and deep draft navigation projects. Examples include regional shallow draft sediment management plans for the Chesapeake Bay Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck counties in Virginia emphasizing optimization techniques designed to produce win-win dredging options that combine economic efficiency with environmental sustainability.

Flood Risk Management

Demonstrated ability to provide both structural and non structural solutions for coastal and riverine flooding issues. Non structural examples include the Chowan and Rappahannock River Basin gauging networks designed via a systems perspective to include an array of stream, rainfall, and water quality gauges. Ability to assemble interdisciplinary teams of subject matter experts to include the United States Geologic Survey, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Weather Service, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, as well as state and local agencies to include the Virginia Departments of Emergency Management, Environmental Quality, Game and Inland Fisheries, and Forestry.

Charter member of the Fight the Flood Middle Peninsula organization whose purpose is to connect property owners facing rising flood waters with funding mechanisms to contract with specialized businesses who can help evaluate, design, and build solutions to FIGHT THE FLOOD.

Environmental Compliance and Restoration

Ability to identify and focus on the needs and wants of customers, partners, and stakeholders. Sound decision making regarding compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, and Chesapeake Bay Executive Order 13508.

Watershed Management

Demonstrated actions in defining integrated approaches to managing conflict in urban watersheds, including the Elizabeth River watershed, the Lynnhaven River watershed, the Chowan River Basin, the Rappahannock River Basin, and the James River Basin.


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