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PrettyPhoto for text

Open image with prettyPhoto
[prettyPhoto title="" link="" type="" gallery="" style="" class=""]

prettyPhoto Button

Open image with prettyPhoto
[prettyPhoto class="button_link btn_black" type="button" title="Button prettyPhoto" link=""]
Open image with prettyPhoto

prettyPhoto for elements:

Image Gallery with prettyPhoto

[prettyPhoto type="image" title="Image Gallery prettyPhoto, image 1" gallery="10" link=""]

[prettyPhoto type="image" title="Image Gallery prettyPhoto, image 2" gallery="10" link=""]

[prettyPhoto type="image" title="Image Gallery prettyPhoto, image 3" gallery="10" link=""]


YouTube and Vimeo video in Lightbox

[prettyPhoto type="image" title="Youtube" link=""]

[prettyPhoto type="image" title="Vimeo" link=""]


prettyPhoto open in iframe in iframe ThemeFuse in iframe
[prettyPhoto class="button_link btn_yellow" gallery="iframe" type="button" title="MSN" link=""] in iframe
[prettyPhoto class="button_link btn_green" gallery="iframe" type="button" title="ThemeFuse" link=""]
Themefuse in iframe